星辰魅影(1 / 1)


第二十二章 goddess torrow

rid give hun a lot of freedoand hainess!!!!!It''s all credit!!!hey!rid talk :This earth is not the ho of hun being!!!!!This is the n ho of all living things on earth!!!!!These include anils, rids, elves and nts!!!!!!I didn''t exect that the Genius kingWang Dongdong suoned the legendary three owers of light!!!!!what!!!The ower of light!Yeah!Genius king ower and hainessgoddess owerand All stars recure ower!!!!!this is the world st owerful ower of light!!!!!sure!genius king On behalf of hoe !recure Reresents the dreahainess goddess Reresents the future and the guardian!!!!!but !Genius king dongdong It reresents life and drea as well as guard and future and courage!!!!!what!Genius king dongdong!Give it to ! :never! Don』t give to ! sterious won:all right! It''s going to ke you suffer! Watch the ve !oh Oh, God! Goddess darkness flower ssh!goddess darkness beassh !: oh!It''s over!NO!!!over!!!This will be your end! Sto it! goddess torrow shield!!!!!the ower don』t give to !this is save life 』s ower!!!!!don』t is dark ower!







其他相关阅读: 我持妖劍斬穿越 俠醫雲遊記 明末遼東從軍行 陰間帝尊 徒兒,下山禍害你七個未婚夫去 從一座伯爵領開始 麵具人 拯救五個男配後,我掉馬了 救命!反派惡女她隻想當鹹魚 霍格沃茨的吸血鬼伯爵教授