76 Chapter 73(1 / 2)


that』s y they call fahrenheit

i』travelling at the seed of light

there』s no stoing

i』buing it through the sky,yeah!

i nna ke a suersonic rld out of you


今晚大概六七點鍾的時候,我會把為之前sovongo妹子的長評寫的番外試閱版雙更上來,請期待哈。:)  我隻記得當時我心中充滿了緊張和不安,被他拉著在街頭瘋子一樣狂奔的時候,起初隻有好學生做賊一般的心虛和害怕被逮住的恐懼;但是當我們穿過兩個街口,看著他熟練地使用幻術戲耍著我們身後的那些追兵的時候,我的心不知不覺地飛揚起來,仿佛要乘著從我們兩肋流淌過的風,飛揚到空中,高揚到群星上去。

like a tiger defying the of gravity

i』a racing car assing by like dy godiva


「i』a shooting star leaing through the sky


i』gonna go, go, go

don』t sto no(』cause i』having a good ti)

i don』t nt to sto at all

don』t sto nobr />

i』having such a good ti」


「i』having a ball

don』t sto nobr />

if you nna have a good ti, just give a call

i』a rocket shi on y to rs

on a collision course

i aa satellite

i』out of control

i aa sex chine ready to reload

like an atobo about to exlode」




其他相关阅读: 大師兄這個反派不想黑化[穿書] [復聯雷神]諸神的謊言 [復聯+雷神]諸神的謊言 我成了敵國太子的白月光 文娛:從阧音開始超神 禍妃 命斷仙 無法抗拒的絕對吸引 被戲精小奶狗盤了 退圈後我拯救了世界